Our expertise

Core capabilities

Brand Strategy

Market analysis and customer insights mining to devise plans that engage, persuade and drive enduring behaviour change.

Marketing & Communication

Develop messages and media for optimal communication with targets within brand’s ecosystem.

Medical Education

Creation of scientific content, e-learning solutions, training programs and advisory boards.

Public Relations & Influence Marketing

Strategic advice, media relations in communication campaigns & KOL management.

Scientific Events & Congresses
Local - International - Virtual

Organization of workshops and symposia for healthcare professionals.

Direct-to-Patient Communication

Prevention and disease awareness campaigns, patient education.

Specialized Services

Clinical Trials, CRO

Set-up and coordination of clinical studies; Phase I, IIA, IIB, III, and pharmacovigilance.

Health Economics & Market Access

Strategic Market Access advice, Global Value Dossier (GVD) & Health Technology Assessment (HTA), pricing & reimbursment, and Health outcomes research (SROI; MCDA).

Press & Publishing

Medical edition, print and digital communication, E-learning for healthcare professionals.